When to Use a Compression Bandage

When to Use a Compression Bandage

Elastic bandages (also known as compression bandages) are often used for the compression part of RICE—rest, ice, compression and elevation—the gold standard of first aid treatment for bruises and sprains. Probably the most common brand name for an elastic bandage is an Ace wrap.

Elastic bandages do a good job of compressing a new injury or inflammation and help keep swelling down. However, there's a limit to how long you should compress an injury. At some point, blood flow to the injured area needs to increase to encourage healing.

Elastic bandages usually come in 2- to 6-inch widths. The wider the bandage, the more compression you get without blocking actual blood flow. Typically, for an adult arm or leg, you want to use a 3- or 4-inch bandage.

Adult fingers and kids' arms and legs can get away with the narrower 2-inch width bandage

  • Use elastic bandages only in the first 24 to 48 hours after an injury.

  • Combine rest and elevation with compression whenever possible.

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